Levelnaut launches Positeca groups
The Levelnaut group of projects has an outstanding vision — focused on how to improve the generality of human beings. We are a company that looks at business with a different eye and mission.
We are not just focused on amassing wealth and money, but to help people to live a more meaningful life. Seriously, we know that humans have economic, social and spiritual goals to be met; therefore we aim to help them meet some of these.
We focus on money, health and the wellbeing of our community members.
Economic aspects
We shall not talk much about the economic aspects here. But we have many opportunities to help deserving people to earn a living. We have a clear career path, which we make public to our members and the global community. As of now, we still need more ambassadors or country representatives.
If interested, join this telegram chat for more information.
Our goal is to have at least one representative in every country of the world. But the limit of country representatives can be up to 5 depending on the population of the country.
Health and wellness
This is an area we focus on seriously as a blockchain group. We want the best for those who trust us. If you are reading this article now, at least you trust and you can become a beneficiary.
If you are well up, then you can help to make others better off. Since, we are not a non-governmental relief organization; we are not searching for monetary assistance. But we wish to partner with organisations with the same vision.
How will we contribute to your wellness progress? We offer a simple way for you to relax and enjoy life — a moment you may need, to smile and laugh.
We do this through two ways:
Positeca groups
A Positeca group — is a social platform where people find funny content. The content includes funny videos, quotes, pictures, cameos, etc, which make you smile. I bet with you that if you visit one of our Positeca groups, you will find something to smile about.
Remember that a simple smile is the first step to recover from depression and stress. A heavily depressed or stressed person cannot afford a smile. However, visit one of our Positeca group and you will smile.
The focus of a Positeca group or channel is to help people live with positivism and optimism.
Here are a few Positeca groups:
Visit them and see it for yourself. If you love what you have seen, then you can be part of this grandiose opportunity. You can create your own Positeca group and generate hope for others. And as Levelnaut we will not forget you. We will give you a reward in form of our Elven coin as a thank you. It’s a thank you, not that you have helped us, but that you have contributed to the betterment of humanity.
I know it’s very difficult to find people who want to do something for others. Sadly, there are few Mandelas in the world, there are few Mahtma Gandhis out there, and few mother Theresas.
But as Elven coin team, as Levelnaut, we want to do something to put a smile on someone’s face.
The second way we want to induce positivism in others is through our social media platform, poziturbo.com. Here like-minded people come together and interact, in their own languages. Administrators of groups, also get tokens of appreciation.
Guys, people are social beings and we can contribute to their happiness by creating social platforms free from hassles and congestion.
Additional information
If you like what we discussed here, please read the next article as it gives a detailed view of our philosophy as humanists working at Levelnaut.
You can support our mission in various ways as follows:
Sharing our articles: we appreciate reposting this article on your social media platforms,
Partnerships: If your of organisation has the same vision, let’s partner.
Joining our communities: Please, join one of our social platforms as follow:
By doing any of the above you make the world a better place. Your contribution may be small but remember: “If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven’t spent the night with a mosquito.”- An African proverb.